Gupperz Strawberry Milk Splash - 2.54oz

Gupperz Strawberry Milk Splash - 2.54oz

Item #: 30611
Item Description
Your Price: $3.95

Item Description

Treat yourself to the delightful taste of Gupperz Strawberry Milk Splash. These soft, chewy gummies are infused with the sweet, creamy flavor of strawberry milk, offering a nostalgic and satisfying treat. Each gummy is filled with a juicy, luscious center that enhances the strawberry milk experience, making every bite a burst of deliciousness. Perfect for enjoying on the go, sharing with friends, or adding a fun twist to your snack time, Gupperz Strawberry Milk Splash combines a smooth texture with a juicy filling for an irresistible treat.

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