Fun Size Candy Bars the Perfect Halloween Treat

Sep 1st 2022

Fun Size Candy Bars, the miniature versions of our favorite regular-sized candy bars, are a Halloween favorite. We all remember racing home after a night of trick-or-treating and dumping our treat bags on the kitchen table to see what kind of fun-size candy bars were nestled inside.
Knowing that our parents loved these treats as well, we always let them have a few of our snack-size candy bars - after all, they helped us create those Halloween costumes that earned us all that candy! Fun size candy bars are just about a universal Halloween candy favorite, but here are some of our favorites that we always look forward to on Halloween night:
Fun Size M&M's Candy
M&M's have been a favorite for years, and it was so easy to open a pack of mini M&M's as we went from house to house and indulged in some chocolate deliciousness along the way. Of course, we always loved the house that gave us a bag of the original AND a bag of Mini M&M's Peanut Snacks.

Milky Way Fun Size Candy Bars
What's better than chocolate? The creamy caramel and delicious nougat inside a Milky Way bar, that's what! Biting into a Milky Way bar brings about a taste that is both playful and luxurious, they're a candy bar that will remain on our list of favorite fun-size candy bars for generations to come.

Snickers Fun Size Candy Bars
Oh Snickers, could you be any more amazing? Snickers are a versatile candy bar that's so delicious both frozen (trust us, try it!) and warm, making it an all-year-round candy bar winner! The fun-size candy bar version of Snickers features that scrumptious classic Snickers taste, but you'll need to scarf them up before mom and dad get to them!

Reese's Snack Size Peanut Butter Cups: When we're craving chocolate, we're usually actually craving a Reese's. Reese's show why chocolate and peanut butter are a match made in heaven, and together, taste simply sinful. Finding a Reese's fun-size candy bar in our treat bag was an automatic win, and you can be sure we'd be returning back to that house next year!

Of course, these are only a few of the many snack-size candy bars we have available.  Be sure to check out all our Halloween candy to see what else we have!