Fun Facts About Easter Candy

Mar 9th 2021

We’ve shared some interesting facts about marshmallow PEEPS, which happen to be the most famous Easter candy, and today we’re sharing some fun tidbits about all that candy that gets put into Easter baskets every year.
Easter is Number….
If you had to guess which holiday has us consuming the most candy, you may immediately think of Easter with all its delicious chocolate eggs and big chocolate bunnies, but don’t forget Halloween! There’s enough Halloween candy consumed annually to drop Easter to the number two slot for candy-eating holidays.

Cherry is….
Jelly beans are a popular treat year-round, but at Easter time, production is cranked up big-time! In fact, 16 billion jelly beans are manufactured just for Easter. Can you guess what is the most popular flavor jelly bean? If you said, “cherry,” you’re correct.
PEEPS Jelly Beans
Milk or dark?
Easter is a chocolate lover’s dream holiday with solid chocolate rabbits and decadent-filled gourmet eggs. But with all that chocolate to choose from, do you reach for dark or milk chocolate treats? If you’re going for that milk chocolate rabbit, you’re not alone. 65% of adults prefer milk chocolate over dark.

That’s a lot of eggs!
Easter egg hunts are an annual tradition for many families. Whether you’re planning to have one for your little ones, or planning on one for the neighborhood, you know how much work it can be. From filling plastic eggs with treats and toys to hiding them, the effort is certainly worth it when you see the smiles on their faces. But could you imagine putting on an egg hunt with more than a half-million eggs? That’s the number of eggs that were used at Cypress Gardens’ (Florida) Easter egg hunt back in 2007 - 501,000 to be exact - a number that put them into the Guinness Book of World Records.

Speaking of PEEPS…
Just how many of these colorful marshmallow treats do we eat every Easter? Hang on to your belly! 700 million PEEPS are consumed during Easter alone making them the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy.
Yellow is the most popular selling color of Marshmallow PEEPS
With Easter just a few weeks away, now is the time to get all the candy you need to fill your baskets. Our huge candy warehouse is full of all your favorites and some new candy choices as well.