The Sweet History of Valentine's Day Candies

The Sweet History of Valentine's Day Candies

Dec 20th 2023

Valentine's Day is synonymous with the exchange of sweet, delightful candies- and of course love! But have you ever wondered how this tradition started? Let's go on a sugary journey through history to uncover the origins of this sweet practice, and then dive into Blair Candy's top 5 most popular Valentine’s Day candy that are fan favorites every year.

A Sweet Start: The Origins of the Valentine’s Day Candy Tradition 

The tradition of giving sweets on Valentine's Day has a rich history that dates back centuries. In the High Middle Ages, when courtly love flourished, sweet treats were exchanged as symbols of affection. This was a time when sugar was a rare and expensive commodity, making sweets a luxury only the wealthy could afford. The notion of love being as sweet as sugar became a popular metaphor.

As sugar became more accessible in the 19th century, the tradition of giving sweets on Valentine's Day gained popularity. This was also the era when the first heart-shaped boxes of chocolates were introduced. These boxes were as much a gift as the chocolates inside, often kept as mementos.

Our Top 5 Valentine's Day Candies 

Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts

A modern twist on a classic treat, Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts have quickly become a Valentine's Day favorite. The irresistible combination of creamy peanut butter and rich chocolate shaped into a heart is a symbol of modern-day love. 

Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts

Hershey's Kisses

These iconic, bite-sized chocolate Hershey Kisses, wrapped in their familiar colorful foil, have been a staple of Valentine's Day since their introduction in 1907. Their simplicity and the sweet message of the 'kiss' they represent make them an enduring choice. 

Hershey Kisses

Sweethearts (Conversation Hearts)

Sweethearts, the pastel-colored conversation hearts with charming messages, have been around since the 1860s. These candies capture the essence of innocent love with phrases like “Be Mine” and “True Love.” They are a delightful and nostalgic way to express feelings. 

Conversation Hearts


Lollipops on Valentine's Day bring a touch of whimsy and childhood joy. Whether heart-shaped or adorned with Valentine messages, they add a playful element to the day's celebrations. 

Heart Shaped Lollipops

Box of Chocolates

A classic symbol of Valentine's Day, the box of chocolates is a timeless gift. It represents the mystery and variety of love, with each chocolate offering a different flavor and experience. 

Boxed Chocolates

The tradition of giving candies on Valentine's Day is a sweet reminder of the simple joys of love. From the luxurious boxes of chocolates to the playful Sweethearts, each candy has its own way of expressing affection. This Valentine's Day, as you choose your sweet treat to share, remember the rich history behind this delightful tradition. Whether it's a Reese's Peanut Butter Heart or a simple Hershey's Kiss, each candy is a symbol of love, affection, and the sweet moments that make life special.

This fun dive into the history of Valentine's Day candies not only tickles your sweet tooth but also your heart. Remember, it's not just about the candy, but the love and thought behind it that truly counts!