Contact Us

We want you to have the best experience at BlairCandy.Com!

If you have any questions or concerns, or just need help finding that favorite candy... Our customer service representatives would be glad to help you directly during our regular business hours! Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm EST

If giving us a call isn't an option, we will quickly respond to all e-mails within 12-24 hours. Just send the e-mail to or if the question is about Wholesale pricing

FYI: If you do not recieve a response within 24 hours, your e-mail may have been blocked by our spam filters and in turn, our response to you may have been blocked by your spam filters. The best way to avoid this is to add us to your address book or trusted e-mail list.

Sorry, but to save trees, we do not offer a print catalog.


Blair Candy Company Inc.
3421 Beale Ave
Altoona, Pa. 16601
P: 814.944.3581 or 800.698.3536
F: 814.944.8470