What are Circus Peanuts?  A Sweet Journey Through Time!

What are Circus Peanuts? A Sweet Journey Through Time!

Jun 19th 2023

Hey candy lovers! Today, let's dive into the vibrant and delightfully peculiar universe of a candy that baffles, bewitches, and bewilders us: Circus Peanuts. You might love them, you might hate them, but you surely can't ignore their unique presence in the wide world of candy.

The shape alone elicits a chuckle - these are peanuts that don't really look like peanuts. Instead, they're oversized, peanut-shaped marshmallows that are bright orange and, strangely enough, banana-flavored. Yes, you read it right - Circus Peanuts are a sugary, neon mystery!

What are Circus Peanuts?

But what are Circus Peanuts made of? Not peanuts, for sure!  They're marshmallow candies, so their ingredients are pretty simple. They're made from sugar, gelatin, and corn syrup, which give them their chewy, marshmallow texture. A touch of artificial banana flavoring and a vibrant coat of food coloring give these candies their unique taste and look.

Circus Peanuts

The History of Circus Peanuts

Circus Peanuts go all the way back to the 19th century, where they first appeared in the United States as a seasonal candy option primarily around the holiday season. Its curious shape was likely due to candy manufacturers making whimsically shaped candies to attract attention and sales. 

In the early days, Circus Peanuts were often stale, their crunchy exterior an unintentional result of the candies sitting in glass jars on store counters. However, many people found they actually preferred this texture, leading manufacturers to intentionally harden them before they hit the market.

The banana flavoring, another interesting Circus Peanut characteristic, is rumored to have arisen from a shortage of other flavorings during World War II. Banana was the one flavor available in abundance, and thus it stuck! The result? A peanut-shaped, banana-flavored, orange marshmallow that has absolutely nothing to do with peanuts or circuses!

As for their association with the circus, the story is a bit murky. Some believe it goes back to the time when peanuts were a common treat at circuses and fairs. Circus Peanuts may have been a nod to this tradition, despite their taste and texture having no resemblance to actual peanuts.

What do Circus Peanuts Taste Like?

Tasting a Circus Peanut is an experience of its own. You might expect a crunchy, salty bite, considering its name. Instead, you're met with a soft, chewy marshmallow texture with a unique, artificial banana flavor. Circus Peanuts are sweet, really sweet. Yet there's a certain nostalgia attached to these oddball treats that keeps us coming back for more.

Over the years, Circus Peanuts have had their fair share of fans and critics. Some find their flavor too synthetic, their texture too strange. Yet they've held onto their niche with a tenacious grip. They've even played an important role in candy history. It's said that the creator of Lucky Charms cereal was inspired by Circus Peanuts when he decided to add marshmallow bits to the cereal. So, every time you enjoy a bowl of Lucky Charms, you're savoring a small piece of Circus Peanut history!  Oh, by the way, we sell those marshmallow bits as well!

Marshmallow Bits

If the thought of Circus Peanuts has you longing for a taste of other nostalgic candy, we've got you covered with a huge selection of classic candies to take you back in time and satisfy your sweet tooth.